An Introduction to First Aid Training: What You Need To Know

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What Emergency Responders and First-Aid Providers Need

First aid training is essential knowledge that can help save lives in emergency situations. Whether your goal is to become a certified first aid practitioner or simply have basic understanding of the basics of first aid, this guide has all the information you need to get started.

Understanding Emergency Situations and Prioritising Care

When responding to any kind of emergency situation, understanding how to assess the patient and prioritise their care is essential. You should look for signs of life, such as breathing, and then start assessing severity of injury or illness. It’s important to remember not to waste time on non-urgent care, such as minor scrapes or cuts. Additionally, doing an ABC (airway, breathing and circulation) assessment is critical in order to quickly identify any acute danger that may require immediate attention.

Training in basic first aid often includes instruction on triaging injured people, or prioritising treatment of the most urgent cases first. In medical emergencies, a trained first-aid provider may need to manage multiple victims and triage the wounded — treating those with the most severe injuries first and those with less serious wounds later. According to the AMA, learning how to prioritise care is an important part of any first-aid training program.

Learning the Basics of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

Learning the basics of CPR is part of every first aid training course. CPR should be performed if a person’s breathing or heartbeat stops. It is an effective way to keep oxygenated blood circulating throughout the body, until medical help arrives. During the session you will learn how to recognise when someone needs CPR, and perform chest compressions that are effective and properly delivered. You will also become familiar with when and how often to check for signs of life such as breathing or pulse. Learning the basics of CPR is not overly difficult, but it should be taken seriously. While some courses teach how to use an automated external defibrillator (AED), it’s important to note that these devices are mainly used in advanced medical settings, such as hospitals and clinics. In a first aid training session, teaching and practicing proper chest compression technique will almost always be the priority. During the training session you will most likely practice performing CPR on an infant, child, or adult-size dummy so you can become familiar with the different techniques depending on the size of the person needing help.

Understanding the Heimlich Manoeuver and Choking First Aid

Another important skill to learn in first aid training is the Heimlich Manoeuver and other effective techniques to help someone who is choking. This life-saving manoeuver pushes a blocked object away from the throat, so that the person can breathe again. It is critical for individuals to practice and become familiar with the steps of this manoeuver, as some seconds might make a difference between life or death. The instructor will guide you through different scenarios, so that you become comfortable with how to react in case of an emergency.

The Heimlich Manoeuver begins in a standing position behind the choking individual. It is important to assess the severity of the situation first, and then act quickly. The rescuer wraps their arms around the person while placing their fist in the mid-upper torso area. From there, they will thrust their abdomen into the victims back with quick and decisive movements, working towards turning them forehead down which makes it easier for the person to start breathing again. First aid training courses usually include more than just The Heimlich Manoeuver as there are other techniques for handling different situations such as drowning or shock that you should become familiar with.

Gaining knowledge about Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Use

Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is a device used to start or restart a patient’s heart during a cardiac arrest. It monitors the heart rhythm and sends an electric pulse, causing the heart to resume its regular beat. In most first aid classes, you will learn how to use an AED in a safe and effective manner, as well as when it should be used. Additionally, you will gain knowledge about the steps of rescue breathing and chest compressions which are integral components of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

Knowing how to administer CPR and use an AED is a skill that can save someone’s life. An AED trainer can help you gain the knowledge you need to properly use the device, as well as become familiar with its features, such as shock delivery and voice and visual prompts. Additionally, you will learn about the various types of cardiac arrest so you know when to apply which techniques. First aid training classes are essential for anyone who might find themselves in an emergency medical situation. Learning about Automated External Defibrillator use is just one of the many topics taught in these classes that can prepare you for helping others who are experiencing a health crisis.

Acquiring the Necessary Skills for Preventing and Treating Shock, Bleeding, Fractures, Burns and Other Emergencies

Emergencies can happen anytime, anywhere and it is essential for first aid practitioners to be prepared to handle whatever medical crisis comes their way. A solid background in anatomy and physiology will equip you with the necessary knowledge and understanding of how these injuries occur, as well as how to recognize them when they do. You must also become adept at recognizing symptoms of shock, loss of blood, fractures and common illnesses like asthma or seizures in order to respond quickly and accurately. Additionally, through your first aid practitioner training you will learn how to prevent infection by using proper sanitary techniques when treating wounds, how to apply dressings without causing discomfort or irritation, and how to apply immobilisation devices such as splints and slings.

Beyond learning the essential skills required to monitor and treat shock, bleeding, fractures and burns, first aid training also includes studying injury prevention and medical ethics. You will learn about proper safety protocols when working with hazardous chemicals or operating heavy machinery and discover ways to recognise potential hazards in the environment. Knowing how to use first aid equipment properly is a vital part of any emergency medical situation, so you will also learn how to evaluate an accident scene as well as find and administer basic life-saving measures such as CPR. In addition, you will also develop effective communication skills which are key when interacting with colleagues or patients during traumatic situations. With a full understanding of the best course of action for various emergencies, you can take on a number of important roles within health-care teams and assist in delivering top quality patient care.

When you’re learning more about first aid in your career or from a personal interest, it’s important to remember that triage is a part of basic emergency care. It’s important to be able to quickly identify what the most important tasks are to saving someone’s life in an emergency. Good first-aid training teaches you how to do this, so you can perform effective and efficient emergency care anytime.

Getting certification with AOTA is the smart way of learning this lifesaving skill.

To learn more about our first aid courses including mental health first aid, click this link or contact one of our team today to book your course or make an enquiry.

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