Workplace Safety Compliance For Your Business

WH&S safety training

Who is responsible for ensuring compliance to WH & S requirements?

A person conducting a business or undertaking (PCBU) has a primary duty of care to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of workers.

This means that if there is a risk to workers’ health or safety, the PCBU must take reasonable steps to identify and minimise that risk.

The PCBU must also ensure that any person who carries out work on their behalf or at their direction is aware of any risks and understands how to manage those risks.

Employee Performance, Skills and Safety training is a great place to start

In order for your WH & S training program to be successful, you need to make sure that everyone involved understands why they’re doing what they’re doing. Keep in mind that this isn’t just about getting workers up-to-date on new regulations—it’s about keeping them safe and healthy while they do their jobs every day. Ensure compliance skills training is accessible to everyone under your control as a person conducting a business or undertaking, including contractors and sub-contractors.

You can also use compliance skills training to help manage the scope of your risk management processes and show how complying with WH & S regulations will help prevent accidents on site or injuries in the workplace. This type of training helps ensure that everyone understands what needs to be done in order for the business to function safely and productively.

Make sure your training is engaging.

Your employees are looking to you for guidance. They want to learn how to do their jobs better, so they can be more effective at their jobs. But how do you actually make sure that the training you give your employees is going to stick in their minds long after the training is over?

The answer: make it engaging. This means making it interactive, with activities that connect with real-world scenarios that your employees can relate to. You can also use games and activities from other courses to make the learning more fun and memorable for your staff, and more likely to stick in their minds.

By doing this, you’ll be able to keep them engaged throughout the course—and get them excited about what they’re learning!

Make it interactive.

Whether you’re an employee or a manager, it’s important to feel engaged in your WH & S training sessions.

If you’ve ever sat through a boring presentation that felt like it was never going to end, then you know how important it is for employees to feel engaged in their WH & S training sessions!

Employees who are engaged with the safety training they receive are more likely to remember what they learned and apply this knowledge on the job.

Engaging employees can also help reduce turnover rates, which can be costly for companies.

Make sure it’s relevant to the job.

The first step in making compliance training effective is making sure that it’s relevant to the job, and that people are actually going to use what they learn. This can be accomplished by tailoring your training program specifically for each position in the workplace, and by making sure that all employees receive the same level of instruction.

It’s also important to understand that compliance training isn’t just about rules and regulations—it’s about creating a culture where employees feel comfortable coming forward if something isn’t right. If you want employees to feel safe speaking up, you have to make them feel safe.

You can do this by establishing an environment where everyone has a voice, and where no one feels judged or singled out for speaking up. You can also help create an environment where people feel listened to by setting up systems for feedback, so they know their concerns will be heard.

Give them the tools they need

Your employees are not going to be able to do their jobs competently or safely if they don’t have access to the tools and equipment they need. This means providing them with all of the necessary equipment before they start working on a task. It also means ensuring that all tools are maintained properly so that they remain safe for use at all times.

In addition, it’s important to provide your employees with the proper training on how to use the tools and equipment that you provide for them. This will ensure that they can use these tools properly and safely, which is essential for protecting yourself from liability claims against your company.

Ensure everyone understands the importance of W H&S compliance standards by using examples from previous situations where they were not followed correctly (or at all). A survey should be conducted before the course starts so that you can see which areas need more emphasis when it comes to training – this will also give you a good idea of what subjects need more attention in future courses that focus on specific aspects such as W H&S law requirements or hazardous chemicals etcetera).

Make sure all staff members have access to relevant information such as policies manuals or other documents pertaining directly to their roles within each department.

Make compliance training an ongoing process.

If you want your workers’ WH & S knowledge base to be up-to-date and current, then you need to provide regular refresher courses, such as VOC’s (Verifications of Competencies) throughout their careers with your company (or even just within each department). These refresher courses should include specific information about new regulations or changes in legislation.

Effective safety compliance training can be easy to achieve and can help save lives.

Safety compliance training is a critical part of any company’s safety program. It is not only required by law, but also helps to ensure that employees are aware of the dangers they may face on the job and how to avoid those dangers.

When done correctly, effective safety compliance training will help your employees understand their role in preventing accidents and injuries both on the job site and at home. This can help keep them safe from harm while also reducing your liability as an employer.

So to break it down, here are five simple ways to make WH & S compliance training effective:

1. Use a third-party provider.

2. Engage contractors in the process.

3. Consider a blended learning approach.

4. Get creative with technology solutions and tools that save time and money!

5. Make it fun!


If your workers don’t have the right training to do their job safely.

The result can be fines, compensation payments, lost production and damage to your business’ reputation.

Call the experts at AOTA – we’re here to help you! We will train your employees in safety-related competencies relevant to your industry. We will tailor our solutions to help you overcome any common elements of risk faced by your employees and keep you best-placed in your competitive environment.

Dedicated To Your Employees Safety