Confined Space Training – All You Need To Know

RIIWHS202E - Enter and work in confined spaces / MSMWHS217 - Gas test atmospheres

Why Confined Space Training Is Important

Confined space training is an important safety measure for any workplace project that involves potentially hazardous or dangerous areas. It provides workers with the vital knowledge and skills to identify risks, assess hazards, and minimise the danger of working in limited and enclosed areas.

Requirement for a confined space entry permit

The specific requirements for confined spaces are located in the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (WHS Regulation), Part 4.3 – Confined spaces and apply only to those confined spaces that are entered by, intended or likely to be entered by, or could inadvertently be entered by any person.
The PCBU (person conducting a business or undertaking) must not direct a worker to enter a confined space unless that person has a confined space entry permit for the work
(WHS Regulation, s67)

Understand the Risks of Confined Spaces.

Confined spaces can be hazardous because they are not designed or intended for human occupation. They present a variety of risks, including potential exposures to chemical hazards, physical hazards such as asbestos, and oxygen-deficient atmospheres that can disorient workers and lead to asphyxiation. Training employees in confined space safety is essential for ensuring the safety and welfare of all personnel working within these areas.

When training personnel on confined space safety, it’s important to cover topics such as recognising and understanding potential hazard signs, proper ventilation, PPE requirements and selection, pre-entry checks, controlling environmental conditions before entry, and emergency planning. Additionally, employees must be trained on when and how to use specialised equipment such as fall protection gear or monitoring equipment. By properly training workers and familiarising them with the potential hazards they could face in a confined space, companies can reduce the risk of accidents and fatalities.

Know What Types of Hazards to Look Out For.

Before entering any confined space, be aware of the potential hazards associated with it and know how to respond in an emergency. Identify which gases or toxins could be present and make sure you are prepared to enter the area with the appropriate equipment and protective clothing. Other physical hazards such as bulging walls or ceilings, wet or slippery surfaces, or a buildup of ice should also be identified before attempting to work within a confined space.

Training courses can help workers gain a greater understanding of the potential hazards that come with working in a confined space. For instance, participants learn about the right equipment to bring when entering the space, as well as how to start the process of identifying any hazardous environment before they enter it. They will also reflect on their own safety plan and develop their safety awareness in order to prevent accidents from happening. All in all, this type of training helps individuals gain an overall better sense of security when working in confined spaces.

Educate Yourself About Safety Regulations and Procedures.

It is essential to understand and follow safety regulations and procedures before entering a confined space. Make sure to become familiar with the safety requirements by participating in confined space training provided by employers. This will give you the skills and knowledge necessary to safely spot, prevent and manage potential risks while working within a hazardous environment. Employees should also understand the importance of regular testing and no-go areas on the premises.

Confined space training is important in order to be aware of the importance of wearing, maintaining and storing personal protective equipment (PPE). It is crucial to inspect all equipment before use, follow checklist procedures and avoid contamination. Employees should also understand how to prevent and manage hazards by spotting signs of oxygen deficiency and harmful gases in the area or resources needed for ventilation. It’s equally important to know how to act in an emergency and be familiar with the evacuation plan set out by the employer.

Be Familiar with Proper Personal Protective Equipment and Gear.

Before entering a space, it is important to be aware of any personal protective equipment (PPE) and gear-specific conditions. Suitable clothing, proper eye protection, respiratory devices and other safety equipment should be worn when applicable. This includes hard hats or safety helmets, hearing protection and gloves. Don’t forget to also bring additional tools for the project that are specifically designed for a hazardous environment. Being prepared for all potential risks is one of the key elements of a successful confined space training session.

Knowing and understanding the laws and regulations of a confined space is also essential. All employees in the area should know the distinctive hazards, equipment setups and type of PPE necessary with regard to their tasks. Furthermore, they should become familiar with evacuation and shutdown procedures, contact phone numbers, emergency clearing of passages if needed and signals to use when needed. Also, each individual should be properly trained on how to check instruments and what readings/gauges are important for them to follow during entry processes.

Explore Training Options in Your Area and Online Resources Available.

Finding the right confined space training solution can be rather tricky and difficult with the wide variety of options available. Look for certified professionals in your area who hold experience and expertise in working with hazardous and potentially dangerous areas. Consider any sources they may suggest, including courses or online material, to ensure all safety protocols are fully understood before beginning work in a hazardous environment.

Confined space training should include an emphasis on hazard identification and risk assessment. The course must cover the various equipment requirements, such as personal protective equipment, testing and monitoring systems, rescue plans, communication systems and other safety protocols. Aside from looking for certified professionals in your area to provide the necessary instruction, there are also numerous online resources available to help properly prepare workers for entering a confined space. Explore any courses or courses of study, short educational videos or specialised safety publications that could provide valuable information to ensure safe navigation of a dangerous environment before beginning work within one.

How long is a confined space ticket valid for in Australia?

A confined space ticket does not expire. However, most employers will require you to renew your training every two years. We recommend that you renew your training every two years as well, to stay up to date with any relevant legislation, and changes within the industry.

The main advantage of having a current confined space ticket is that it shows that you are up to date on the latest regulations and best practices in your industry. This can be beneficial if you’re applying for a new job or promotion where a confined space ticket may be required.

Looking for the right confined space training? Contact AOTA today, your confined space entry specialists.
Dedicated to your workplace safety. 